Jan 23, 2019
Multiple realities and different versions of Spider-Man converge in Miles Morales’ hometown in Bob Perischetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman’s animated SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE.
In recommendations, Mark Pfeiffer chooses ZVIZDAL: [CHERNOBYL - SO FAR SO CLOSE], the Belgian group BERLIN’s mix of documentary film, dioramas, and performing arts used to present an elderly couple who still reside in the village within the zone of the 1986 nuclear plant accident. Paul Markoff picks director Jonathan Demme’s RICKI AND THE FLASH with Meryl Streep as a mother who focused on her rock stardom ambitions over family.
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SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE clip courtesy Columbia Pictures
RICKI AND THE FLASH clip courtesy Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Music: "Parasail" by Silent Partner
Recorded January 12, 2019.